recently, saye diserang demam, da lame x kene demam ni
i'm having harry potter fever! yeah, i'm weirdo..
saye memang peminat harry potter dan kalau ade je bende yang sangkut paut
dengan harry potter, i'm so into it..
walaupun harry potter da lame abeh tp still, i love it!
saye ni fans biase2 je, xde la kipas-susah-mati sangat but yeah, i'm harry potter fans!
nak dijadikan cerite, baru2 ni menghadap la wattpad iaitu sejenis apps yg terasa berada di
library sewaktu membuke apps itu...
seriously banyak sangat bahan bacaan.. thanks to nad and syaiz yang memperkenalkn apps ni
mule2 bace section chicklit je.. gurly2 gitu
then bile rase bosan start la cari pasal harry potter punye fanfic. banyak!!!
lalu terjumpe la satu fanfic ni yang bertajuk Lynx Malfoy
the story is about a girl name lynx malfoy (da tajuk dye)
she is a sister to draco malfoy but totally different from the malfoy u know...
cite ni bez sangat sebab dye wat cite ni nampak real walaupun dye ubah skit2 (dimaafkan)
and dye tonjolkan watak yang x begitu ditonjolkan dalam novel harry potter
dalam fanfic ni kite dapat tengok sisi kebaikan draco (what i'm trying to say?) coz he really love his sister so much
syaima' kene bace ni. haha
other than that, dye ade banyak cite pasal the weasley's twin which make me so excited
yayaya.. eventhough i said that i like harry potter but my my favourite character is
x laen x bkn Fred and George... suke2!
of coz dye banyak cite pasal twins tu sebab nanti lynx kawen dengan george!
sorry for being a spoiler but i can't stand it..
yang laen bace sendiri la ye..
seriously, i really love fred and george like so much!!!
dyorang funny and funny and funny!
J.K. Rowling really break my heart
nape Fred mati!!! nanges kot mase bace part tu (fans sungguh)
and then saye tertanye-tanye ape jadi kat george sbb yela, twin sendiri mati.. merana kot
tapi J.K. Rowling x penah bagitau
so thanks to this fanfic i would imagine yang george bahagie selamenye
padahal memang sume ni imagination -.-
![]() |
james and oliver phelps a.k.a fred and george weasley |
(bukan lawak bodoh ye)..
that's why i really love them!
my ideal type man is funny and tall macam fred and george. haha (tetibe)
beznye2. *senyum sorang2
but then terfikir, funny and tall... is it enough?
yang bawah ni pown cukop syarat
it is hard to find the right mr. right, right? (banyak right...)
take my time, focus on study and career dulu..
bak kate aida "baek ko blaja and keje dulu. da stable baru kawin. laki skarang bukan bleh caye, nanti dye tinggalkan ko, at least ko ade pendapatan"
yeah aida, so true! haha..
besides, i'm not ready to get married now...
i'm too young! hehe
btw, smalam birthday si kembar james and oliver... happy birthday guys! :)
p/s: sronok aku tulis panjang2... macam wat karangan. jage kesihatan and happy2 sume!