Monday, 7 October 2013
pain in friendship
recently, something just knocked me..
something has make me realized that even in friendship, we still can get hurt.
never thought about it before coz all my friends before this is so loyal and nice to me..
is it or am I the only one who thought like that?
i don't know coz till now i still keep a good relationship with them.
i've use to have two best friends in my class (in my college i mean)
we laugh and do everything together..
u know, like what a common bestie would do.
then, like so suddenly,
everything change.
one of my best friend started to act coldly to me and my other friend
we had no clue about what happened to her..
at first we just let her to be like that coz we thought that
she will be fine the next day. (PMS maybe)
but nothing change..
to be worst, she's started avoiding us.
we try to approach her several time but still,
she seems like she doesn't want to have any relation with us anymore..
my friend then tell me that the main reason why she is avoiding us is maybe because
of the final exam.
final exam is just around the corner.
so she want to focus more on the exam.
now, she's hanging out with the "perform student" often.
with student who got high possibility to score 4 flat.
she totally dumped both of us.
we know that we are not that good in study but shouldn't she help us when she know that we got trouble with it?
i just don't get it.
to be honest, i'm already tired with all of this.
if she doesn't want to befriend with me, i'm totally fine with it.
i still got a lot of friends..
and even there is no one want to make me as their friend, i know that i'm still got Allah by my side.
Alhamdulillah for everything that He has give to us.
now i know that i should be more careful when choosing friends after this.
it's not that i'm not going to befriend with everyone.
it just i'm going to be more careful when calling someone as my best friend
so i will not end up hurting myself anymore.
just keep smiling even it's pain.. :)
p/s: to my dear friends, thanks for all the friendship that we have been through. may this friendship will last forever till jannah. luv u guys.. always~ :)
Saturday, 17 August 2013
This blog is still alive... >.<
but yeah, since da masuk matrik malas betul nk tulis blog rasenye
lack of idea and time
i'm such a lazy girl
so, just going to write about event2 yg br berlaku dan bakal berlaku
today is hari raye ke-10 i guess..
yeah, masih di bulan Syawal
this year i'm not so excited nk beraye
don't know why... maybe sebab ade mid-sem exam straight lepas habes raye
dan dapat beraye berape hari je before get into my 'beloved' matrik back
baju raye also simple2 this year (think i've lost my fashion sense while in matric) =_=
so that's all about raye i think.. tak tau nak cakap ape lagi..
and yeah!! B.A.P made their comeback on 6 Aug
so happy about it ^^
they released their 3rd mini album BADMAN with 6 tracks:
1. Whut's poppin
2. Badman
3. Excuse Me
4. Coffee Shop
5. Bow Wow
6. Hurricane
really love all the songs in this album but my favorite is Coffee Shop, Bow Wow and Badman
Bow Wow's lyric was really good.. i mean that song is about man and their eyes
like kind of lumrah laa..haha! don't know how to explain it
here's the link for those who want to know what i mean.. hehe
Bow Wow lyrics
and this is the full album :)
This blog is still alive... >.<
but yeah, since da masuk matrik malas betul nk tulis blog rasenye
lack of idea and time
i'm such a lazy girl
so, just going to write about event2 yg br berlaku dan bakal berlaku
today is hari raye ke-10 i guess..
yeah, masih di bulan Syawal
this year i'm not so excited nk beraye
don't know why... maybe sebab ade mid-sem exam straight lepas habes raye
dan dapat beraye berape hari je before get into my 'beloved' matrik back
baju raye also simple2 this year (think i've lost my fashion sense while in matric) =_=
so that's all about raye i think.. tak tau nak cakap ape lagi..
and yeah!! B.A.P made their comeback on 6 Aug
so happy about it ^^
they released their 3rd mini album BADMAN with 6 tracks:
1. Whut's poppin
2. Badman
3. Excuse Me
4. Coffee Shop
5. Bow Wow
6. Hurricane
really love all the songs in this album but my favorite is Coffee Shop, Bow Wow and Badman
Bow Wow's lyric was really good.. i mean that song is about man and their eyes
like kind of lumrah laa..haha! don't know how to explain it
here's the link for those who want to know what i mean.. hehe
Bow Wow lyrics
and this is the full album :)
actually they released three MV for this album
i got lazy to post it here.. if u want it, go and find it by yourself.. haha! mianhei~
next story, is about my matric (lambat update.. mian~)
this oldest matriculation college in Malaysia was a really nice place to study
but since it is the oldest, the bentuk muka bumi tersangatlah berbukit-bukau
even if you are cycling around it you will easily get tired..
inikan pulak bile kene jalan nak ke kuliah. just need to bear with it. a year only.
and we are able to smell chickens every morning coz we are so near with ladang ayam
it is very refreshing for us.. pfftt.. =_='
and the schedule... really hectic!!!
bear with it.. just one year.. *note to myself
so far so good in matric
my mid-sem exam result will be out soon
pray to get a good result.. aminn~
and soon my matrik jadi tuan rumah for Kakom (karnival koko matrik)
student dilarang untuk balik or outing. 'GREAT!!!'
bear with it.. always remind myself
so that's all i think.. bye~ *wave
p/s: just be patient as long as you can.. keep smiling! :)
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
salam ramadhan semua!
alhamdulillah dapat jumpe ramadhan kali ni..
semoga kita dapat memperbanyakkan ibadah kita dalam bulan mulia ni..
alhamdulillah dapat jumpe ramadhan kali ni..
semoga kita dapat memperbanyakkan ibadah kita dalam bulan mulia ni..
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
m&m with me #3
my fashion sense is back!!!
m&m sebelum ni base on tempat2 like what to wear bile pergi tempat ni and bla3..
but m&m kali ni adalah base on one of my favourite group pulak
it is BAP!!!
yay!!! *craziness overload
BAP make comeback with one shot album awal tahun ni
maka mereka banyak la event2 untuk mempromosikan album mereka
there is so many fansign yang mereka perlu hadiri
termasuk menghadiri event2 luar negare coz they got award for what they've been done
we talk about airport fashion juge
so setiap kali ade event camtu, their stylist mesti akan sediakan sama ada seorang atau lebih
untuk pakai baju denim..
baju ye.. kalau setakat seluar jeans tu da biase da
they will wear either denim jacket or vest
i don't know why but it really caught my attention
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charismatic leader-BYG |
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my friend.. keke |
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jello~ |
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this busan wonbin.... |
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Kim..Him..Chan... |
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killin' his noona fans with this outfit |
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denim~denim~ |
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pabo jae.. haha! |
see... denim everywhere
all the pictures was taken this year
so, i decided to do mix and match by using denim concept
gaye mcm street sikit
street style babe
thats all. Denim is cool~ hehe
p/s: love yourself. that is so important.. <3
What time is it?
Yay!!! *lompat2
finally my favourite group make a comeback!
setelah 2 tahun penantian.. haha!
they finally make a comeback after focusing on their music at japan
so, what time is it???
it is 2PM!!!!
2PM make comeback with their 3rd album
the title of the album is GROWN
yup! mereka semua memang da grown up.
konsep seperti biasa la.. maskulin dan 2PM mana boleh dipisahkan
manly man seperti selalu.. that's why i love them. hehe
the title song for this album is come back when you hear this song
memang banyak la part torawa2 nye...
the dance for this song is a lil bit funny for me. haha!
whateva, and the mv of this song has reached 1M last night. daebak!!!
Hottest worldwide~
this album consist of 11 songs
since the album named Grown, it show that 2PM has grown up as a better musician
maka mereka haruslah terlibat dalam menghasilkan album ni
Jun.k composed two songs which is suddenly and game over
Junho also composed two song which is go back and love song
Taecyeon wrote rap for coming down, go back and i'm sorry
meanwhile Chansung wrote the lyric for coming down.
tapi tak tau kenape banyak sangat lagu slow dalam album ni
it makes me think whether this is 2PM or 2AM? haha!
but thanks to jun.k cause he composed the game over song
lagu ni baru la gaye 2PM
my favourite song so far. addicted kot..
ramai jugak hottest yang request suroh JYP wat MV untuk lagu ni..
cause it is awesome u know..
so here is the song:
yang lain2 lagu tu cari sendiri la kalau nak dengar
haha! harus mengutamakan bias..
proud enough with my Jun.K
anticipating for their live performance
bagi gamba sikit.. nah!
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J to the U to the N to the KAY!!! |
itu sahaja,
annyeong!!! ^^
p/s: jangan makan banyak sangat nanti gemuk... (saye da gemuk ni)
Sunday, 28 April 2013
politic in my family..
conversation about politic in my family...
mama, yang gamba roket tu ape?
owh.. yang tu DAP
yang gamba kunci pulak?
yang tu parti bebas
bebas tu camne ma?
bebas tu macam dye sendiri2 je.. klau BN ngan PKR tu ade kumpulan dye sendiri
.... *buat muke x paham
kumpulan tu macam kumpulan kpop tu
pastu dalam dye ade jongkook, ade haha, ade gary..
mepek je sume... hehe
tajuk politik ni x pernah dibincangkan secara serius dalam family saye...
maybe sebab ahli dalam family ni mude2 lg jadi x sesuai
so bile ade kawan2 yang aktif cakap pasal politik,
i'm impressed with them
saye kurang mahir bab2 ni..
saje post pasal ni sebab da nak dekat PRU kan..
kepada pengundi2, buatlah pilihan yang bijak!
selamat mengundi!!!
p/s: never give up! never! please~
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
D.I.Y mask~~
kebosanan di rumah menjadikan saye ingin berseni
hoooo!!! bajet2! (gaye matluthfi)
ramai dalam kalangan family dan rakan2
yang menjadi kreatif dengan menggunakan kaen felt sejak kebelakangan ni
jadi saye pown ingin menceburkan diri dalam bidang kreatif dan inovatif ni...
what i'm trying to say???
setelah mendapat sokongan dan galakan dari mereka
saye pown pegi la mendapatkan kaen felt dan mencari idea nak watpe ngan kaen ni
instead of making phone chain or pouch like others..
i'm trying to make something different
saye memang suke bende2 pelik plus laen dari yang laen ni.. hehe
so search punye search then jumpe orang wat face mask using felt cloth
make saye pown buat la mask2 ni..
amek inspirasi dari matoki...
matoki adalah alien yang cube menakluk bumi ye.. *fantasi semate-mate
matoki ni sebenarnye adalah maskot bagi kumpulan BAP
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matoki stand for mask wearing tokki atau arnab yg memakai topeng |
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BAP dan matoki mereka |
so berikut ialah hasil kerja saye... hehe
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shishimato mask |
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jokomato mask |
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dadamato mask |
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kekemato mask |
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tatsmato mask |
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totomato mask |
turut menghasilkan....
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zelo mask.. hehe |
x jadi sangat senanye...
saje buat untuk suke2.. haha!
so i guess that's all from me setakat ni
banyak lebeyh kaen felt ni..
maka harus berseni lagi.. kekeke
p/s: sometimes silent is better.. :)
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no comment!! >,< |
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
m&m with me #2
mix and match with me again!!!
again and again and again and again yeah~
haha! crazy mood..
wokeyh! dolu-dolu punye m&m is about airport fashion
maka kali ini pula adalah mengenai.......
beach!!!!!! pantai!!!! cantik!!!!
so, i'm going to show how to look fabulous at the beach
transform into beach babe gurl!!!!! haha!
whoopss!!! but no bikini uolsss!
it doesn't mean we have to wear a bikini to be a beach babe rite?!
first step, we have to know that beach is kinda breezy and angin bertiup sepoi2 bahasa gitu..
jadi, amatlah tidak digalakkan untuk anda semua memakai baju yang berstructure.
let the dress flow beautifully..
jadi saya mengesyorkan untuk memakai something yang flowy seperti
maxi dress, beach kaftan or dress yang made of chifffon.
and you can choose whether to wear plain dress or dress yang bercorak flora..
corak flora ni tersangatlah sinonim dengan pantai.
so, anything that look beautiful on you, just wear it!
maxi dress memang susah sikit nak cari yang long sleeve
maka match kan lah die dengan cardigan..
then, we move to the hijab
cover your head girl... lagi sweet that way.
choose hijab yang x keras sangat. let it flow jugak same macam dress..
if you wear dress yang plain, then choose something yang bercorak..
hijab yang bercorak celup2 macam Dian Pelangi punya collection would be nice
match it ikot colour dress tu.. if you prefer colour block pown boleh but please,
jangan sampai over the top.
next step is your precious feet
jalan-jalan kat pantai pakai something
kalau dekat dengan air baru la bleh nak bukak kasut or selipar bagai..
kang terpijak cengkerang atau batu2 sape susah.. keke
so, pakai la beach sandals or flats..
banyak choice so pilih la yang mane berkenan di hati..
nak pakai selipar yang ade corak pokok kelapa pown bleh..
aloha mode: activated! haha!
now, we move to the last step in creating beach babe look...
first is the bag..
bring along a bag to carry your stuff
selalunya kita akan pakai beach bag la kan sebab kite kat beach
other reason ialah beach bag ni lebih convenient dan sesuai untuk dibawa ke pantai
beach bag ni pown sangat la variety dan cantik2 belaka..
next klau nak spice up lagi boleh la tambah accessories seperti
beach hat, sunglasses and gelang tangan..
so, that's all the tips on what to wear to the beach..
and jangan lupa bawak sunscreen.. avoid sunburn
chapstick/lipbalm pown bawak gak... nanti bibir pecah2 susah. keke
last picture is my mix and match... :)
Friday, 15 March 2013
adikku... adikku..
haha... baru je post pasal bias
then i post lagi.. biaq pi la..
oleh kerana mood untuk due tige hari yang lepas ni adelah mood fangirl
maka x abeh2 asyik tengok b.a.p je kejenye...
then there is a conversation between me and my lil bro about my bias
me / my bro
adek.. macam mane ni... kaklong asyik ingat pasal pakwe baru je...
daehyun bap eh?
haah.. nak tau x dye tengah watpe sekarang?
dye tengah nak naek flight nak gi thailand..
kaklong pegi la kat airport skali ngan dye.. naek flight skali ngan dye.. jage dye..
mne bleh.. ramai sangat fans dye
kaklong amek la pistol pastu wat la camni *gaye seperti dibawah
=,= (clueless)
memang boleh klau nak tembak orang sesuke hati camni.. hoho.
dan lagi satu skrangkan tengah sebok pasal pilihanraye
bendera parti bergantung-gantung kat sepanjang jalan
saye dibesarkan dalam sebuah keluarga yang x berapa nak berpolitik sangat
klau mase mengundi tu pagi2 parents kuar gi vote pastu balik umah
dan kami meneruskan kehidupan seperti biase
my mom and dad x penah la nak sembang2 pasal politik kat umah
cukup sekadar menjalankan tanggungjawab masing2
then suddenly my lil bro bangkitkan pasal isu politik
my bro / me / my mom / my dad
mama, mama sokong sape(parti)?
mne bleh bgtau.. rahsie
habib sokong umno *tetibe
kitorang sume shock.. then laugh (kecik2 da cakap pasal politik)
habib umno.. kaklong MCA.. bangah MIC.. sebab dye hitam..
memandai je
naseb baek abangah dye xde kat situ
mau mengamuk sebab cakap dye hitam.. hoho
tu lah my lil brother..
wat lawak je kejenye...
anyway, i love him so much!
and my bro lagi satu pown i love him jugak.. sume i love la.. haha
p/s: marilah saling sayang-menyayangi sesame kite.. eratkan ukhuwah dengan kasih sayang. smile always! :)
my new bias.. hehe^^
recently, i have new bias... hoho
mesti nak tergelak and senyum sorang2 bile sebut pasal bias... (gile!)
ye! memang saye gile baru2 ini
hasil penangan daehyun of B.A.P!!! yes sir!!! haha
sebelum kite bercerita dengan lebih lanjut tentang daehyun,
saye ingin bercerite tentang zaman dolu2... ececeh!
selama lebeyh kurang 5 tahun setengah saye meminati korea
ya! bukan artis korea sahaje malah segale ape bende yang wujud di korea saye suke
like food, places, culture.. etc..
selame 5 tahun lebeyh ni, hanya tiga orang saje yang berjaye menjadi bias saye.
bias mengikut google translate ialah berat sebelah
memang saye berat sebelah (???) terhadap tige2 orang ni
orang selalu akan cakap group ni bias aku bla2.... group ni bla2..
tapi saye x suke ade bias ramai2 ni
because to me bias is someone yg very special
someone yang bleh buat saye senyum sorang a.k.a angau
hebat sesape yang dapat jadi bias ni.. haha
jadi berikut ialah senarai bias2 saye:
TOP bigbang= 2008-2010
JUN.K 2pm= 2010-hingga sekarang
DAEHYUN b.a.p= 2013-hingga sekarang
walaupun TOP tu da x berapa suke gegilos but he still my bias..
for JUN.K, baek hang wat comeback cepat2 sebelum aku tawaq hati sungguh2 kat hang! haha
tu lah sebabnye mengapa wujudnye DAEHYUN menjadi bias terbaru saye..
sume kengkawan sibuk cakap pasal B.A.P sebab baru wat comeback
and I pown bajet2 x nak amek tau sebab konon nak setia kat 2pm la kann.
sekali godek2 pasal B.A.P, amek hang! bias baru terus..
bagi tunjuk gamba daehyun jap untuk sesape yang x kenal
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the first picture of daehyun that capture my heart.. ohoho |
-suare sedap~
-bleh rap~
da cukop2.. kang banyak plak rival
tapi daehyun ni ramai sungguh peminat dikalangan bestfriends saye..
xpe la korang.. kite share2 ye. hehe
and another thing, i love to share about my bias with my lil bro
selalu cite kat adek last sebab orang kate anak 1st rapat ngan anak no.3 (so true!)
sebab klau cite kat adek yang tengah tu bukan dye kesah pown -,-
i will call them(my bias) my hubby/ pakwe.. (very the perasan)
like "adik, kaklong ade pakwe baru."
and dye akan automatically cakap "tu pown kawan baru adik."
haha! untung la abang ipar dye. sume diterime dengan hati terbuke
mase suke top dulu, my adik pown akan sibuk search pasal top and ikut suke dye
bile suke jun.k plak mule2 adik tu x setuju sebab dye kate curang =,=
haha.. merepek je
lame2 dye suke jugak jun.k
then bile cakap suke kat daehyun, he can accept it.
haha.. why la mintak permission kat adik..
kenalkan my beloved lil bro.. (sume aku nak kenalkan)
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sangat gedik.. haha |
so itulah dye citenye tentang bias2 saye..
saye memang suke lambat update blog (malas senanye)
pastu bile da update tu panjang kemain... haha
p/s: be happy gurl! jangan sedeyh2.. tapi jangan happy sangat.. nanti mental breakdown. hoho
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
fanfic... hehe
recently, saye diserang demam, da lame x kene demam ni
i'm having harry potter fever! yeah, i'm weirdo..
saye memang peminat harry potter dan kalau ade je bende yang sangkut paut
dengan harry potter, i'm so into it..
walaupun harry potter da lame abeh tp still, i love it!
saye ni fans biase2 je, xde la kipas-susah-mati sangat but yeah, i'm harry potter fans!
nak dijadikan cerite, baru2 ni menghadap la wattpad iaitu sejenis apps yg terasa berada di
library sewaktu membuke apps itu...
seriously banyak sangat bahan bacaan.. thanks to nad and syaiz yang memperkenalkn apps ni
mule2 bace section chicklit je.. gurly2 gitu
then bile rase bosan start la cari pasal harry potter punye fanfic. banyak!!!
lalu terjumpe la satu fanfic ni yang bertajuk Lynx Malfoy
the story is about a girl name lynx malfoy (da tajuk dye)
she is a sister to draco malfoy but totally different from the malfoy u know...
cite ni bez sangat sebab dye wat cite ni nampak real walaupun dye ubah skit2 (dimaafkan)
and dye tonjolkan watak yang x begitu ditonjolkan dalam novel harry potter
dalam fanfic ni kite dapat tengok sisi kebaikan draco (what i'm trying to say?) coz he really love his sister so much
syaima' kene bace ni. haha
other than that, dye ade banyak cite pasal the weasley's twin which make me so excited
yayaya.. eventhough i said that i like harry potter but my my favourite character is
x laen x bkn Fred and George... suke2!
of coz dye banyak cite pasal twins tu sebab nanti lynx kawen dengan george!
sorry for being a spoiler but i can't stand it..
yang laen bace sendiri la ye..
seriously, i really love fred and george like so much!!!
dyorang funny and funny and funny!
J.K. Rowling really break my heart
nape Fred mati!!! nanges kot mase bace part tu (fans sungguh)
and then saye tertanye-tanye ape jadi kat george sbb yela, twin sendiri mati.. merana kot
tapi J.K. Rowling x penah bagitau
so thanks to this fanfic i would imagine yang george bahagie selamenye
padahal memang sume ni imagination -.-
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james and oliver phelps a.k.a fred and george weasley |
(bukan lawak bodoh ye)..
that's why i really love them!
my ideal type man is funny and tall macam fred and george. haha (tetibe)
beznye2. *senyum sorang2
but then terfikir, funny and tall... is it enough?
yang bawah ni pown cukop syarat
it is hard to find the right mr. right, right? (banyak right...)
take my time, focus on study and career dulu..
bak kate aida "baek ko blaja and keje dulu. da stable baru kawin. laki skarang bukan bleh caye, nanti dye tinggalkan ko, at least ko ade pendapatan"
yeah aida, so true! haha..
besides, i'm not ready to get married now...
i'm too young! hehe
btw, smalam birthday si kembar james and oliver... happy birthday guys! :)
p/s: sronok aku tulis panjang2... macam wat karangan. jage kesihatan and happy2 sume!
Friday, 22 February 2013
it's overrrr!!!!
tajuk macam ape je....
just wanna say that asia's next top model cycle 1 is over.
tamat pada hari ahad lalu bersamaan 17 feb tp baru skarang nk update
well, kemalasan yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku
tp still nk post pasal bende ni.. sukati orang laa.... haha
saye memang suke tengok tv show yang ade competition macam ni
macam project runaway, iron chef, project accessory dan bla3..
seronok tengok orang compete with each other
and ade semangat untuk memajukan diri
so, here the finalist of Asia's Next Top Model cycle 1
1st contestant: Stephanie Retuya from philippines
she is 23 years old and a mom.
she has such beautiful face that is really soft and
people might fall in love with her at the first sight
mule2 dye punye performance was ok but then she always be at the bottom two
she is so lucky even da byk kali kat bottom place tapi dye still x tersingkir
and dye bangkit semula and be the top three..
sangat bagus kn.. usaha is very important if u want to achive something
meet steph,
2nd contestant: Kate Ma from Taiwan
she is 22 years old and she is brazil and taiwan mix
she is so funny and so good in making people laugh
she reminds me a lot to my bestfriend, amirah syahirah cause she is really good in expressing her emotion
sebijik perangai due2
and, adik kate ni sangat la hensem.. cair2. huhu
so, pe lagi, meet kate
3rd contestant: Jessica Amornkudilok from Thailand
hamek ko.. susah beno nak ngeje namenye apetah lagi nak sebut
she is 27 years old.a lil bit old for a model
slalu model start belas2 tahun camtu and dyorang akan stop modelling lebeyh kurang 30 sumthing
but this jessica is so awesome in modelling
she has such great strategy
mase mule2 dye macam biase je
x menang challenge, x dapat best photo but still bukan yang tercorot la
then bile da middle competition tu dye start menyerlah
winning the challenge and best photo straight terus
and other competitor da start rase takot ngan dye
sangat bagus!
so, meet the intelligent jess,
then mesti orang nak kenal gak dengan contestant from malaysia kan?
her name is Melissa Thng. she manage to stay until top 5.
then she is being eliminated. proud enough for her. :)
this is melissa,
and........ *dumdumdum (bunyi gendang)
the winner of Asia's Next Top Model is...................
yeah! she made it. she deserved it since she is really good.
so, congrats jessica for your winning!
p/s: always look everything at the positive side even people might think negative about it...
just wanna say that asia's next top model cycle 1 is over.
tamat pada hari ahad lalu bersamaan 17 feb tp baru skarang nk update
well, kemalasan yang menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku
tp still nk post pasal bende ni.. sukati orang laa.... haha
saye memang suke tengok tv show yang ade competition macam ni
macam project runaway, iron chef, project accessory dan bla3..
seronok tengok orang compete with each other
and ade semangat untuk memajukan diri
so, here the finalist of Asia's Next Top Model cycle 1
1st contestant: Stephanie Retuya from philippines
she is 23 years old and a mom.
she has such beautiful face that is really soft and
people might fall in love with her at the first sight
mule2 dye punye performance was ok but then she always be at the bottom two
she is so lucky even da byk kali kat bottom place tapi dye still x tersingkir
and dye bangkit semula and be the top three..
sangat bagus kn.. usaha is very important if u want to achive something
meet steph,
2nd contestant: Kate Ma from Taiwan
she is 22 years old and she is brazil and taiwan mix
she is so funny and so good in making people laugh
she reminds me a lot to my bestfriend, amirah syahirah cause she is really good in expressing her emotion
sebijik perangai due2
and, adik kate ni sangat la hensem.. cair2. huhu
so, pe lagi, meet kate
3rd contestant: Jessica Amornkudilok from Thailand
hamek ko.. susah beno nak ngeje namenye apetah lagi nak sebut
she is 27 years old.a lil bit old for a model
slalu model start belas2 tahun camtu and dyorang akan stop modelling lebeyh kurang 30 sumthing
but this jessica is so awesome in modelling
she has such great strategy
mase mule2 dye macam biase je
x menang challenge, x dapat best photo but still bukan yang tercorot la
then bile da middle competition tu dye start menyerlah
winning the challenge and best photo straight terus
and other competitor da start rase takot ngan dye
sangat bagus!
so, meet the intelligent jess,
then mesti orang nak kenal gak dengan contestant from malaysia kan?
her name is Melissa Thng. she manage to stay until top 5.
then she is being eliminated. proud enough for her. :)
this is melissa,
and........ *dumdumdum (bunyi gendang)
the winner of Asia's Next Top Model is...................
yeah! she made it. she deserved it since she is really good.
so, congrats jessica for your winning!
p/s: always look everything at the positive side even people might think negative about it...
Monday, 18 February 2013
say cheese!!! and smile...
everybody can do it... simple thing u know..
tapi ramai yang susah nak senyum bile jumpe orang asing
including me..
my maksu selalu marah bile tak senyum
she say that we should smile because it is sedekah
lagi satu ade banyak paedahnye kalo kite senyum-menyenyum ni
mengikut kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh saye sendiri (boya!),
orang yang banyak senyum ni awet muda...
cheekbone nampak cantik terletak,
muke pown cantik sebab selalu wat senaman otot muke,
and when we smile, orang laen pown bleh affect
so, smile!
everybody can do it... simple thing u know..
tapi ramai yang susah nak senyum bile jumpe orang asing
including me..
my maksu selalu marah bile tak senyum
she say that we should smile because it is sedekah
lagi satu ade banyak paedahnye kalo kite senyum-menyenyum ni
mengikut kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh saye sendiri (boya!),
orang yang banyak senyum ni awet muda...
cheekbone nampak cantik terletak,
muke pown cantik sebab selalu wat senaman otot muke,
and when we smile, orang laen pown bleh affect
so, smile!
![]() |
like this beautiful girl |
satu tips camne nak sentiase tersenyum..
this is my secret... hoho
watch runnig man everyday!
secret la sangat.. haha
anyway, just smile!
senyum itu sedekah dan membahagiakan
jom senyum!!!!!!
p/s: senyum di tempat dan masa yg betul ye.. pandai-pandai la pikir sendiri.. hehe
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
m&m with me
m&m... means mix and match with me!
i'm watching seoul sunday mtv and this week the topic is about airport fashion wif boyfriend
so, secara spontannye terfikir,
ingat artis je ke yg buleh ade airport fashion
commoners macam kite pown bleh ade jugak.
so, today focus is to muslimah out there...
because i really want to be a muslimah fashion designer!
this post is going to be a lil bit long...
first, the outfit
you can wear anything but to be a lil bit stylish, what if u wear a sleeveless structured loose blouse
people might say, WHAT??!!! a muslimah is wearing a sleeveless shirt?!
of course u have to wear it with inner. but make sure if u are wearing S size,
try to buy a bigger size like L or XL maybe... and make sure that ur inner is tebal..
of coz u don't want to show ur precious arm right?
and the pants, u can wear a straight cut white pants
or any colour that u like... just make sure that it is a pant and not leggings
muslimah don't wear leggings kay..
for the hijab, i suggest a crinkled shawl because crinkled shawl ni lg senang nk diuruskan
u know we are going to travel, so x payah la pakai tudung yg manik segenggam atas kepala tu...
for the bag,
choose a stylish luggage, a big hand bag and a backpack
like this three
then we move to our feet..
takkan nak kaki ayam tengah2 klia right?
so, for travel, better wear a sneakers
to add more stylish in ur sneakers, choose wedges sneakers
like pic below
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i'm crazy with this hot sneakers |
gurls, u must not forget to wear accessories..
u can wear a watch and a sunglasses to add more fabulousity in ur style.. chewahh!
don't wear too much accessories.. keep it simple. less is more!
you may also need a passport holder..
so nanti dpn kaunter tu tak de la terhegeh-hegeh cari passport dalam beg
make it easy selagi boleh
so, this last pic adalah hasil m&m saye
the combination of sleveless shirt, straight cut jeans, butterfly passport holder,
leather wedges sneakers, hot sunglasses, nice luggage, burberry crinckled scarf,
awesome cheetah backpack and fabulous handbag...
BOOM!!! ur are ready for the fab vacation!
p/s: just make sure u don't wear this time pegi negare yg tengah winter... u might catch cold there...
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